Dr. Lifrieri was retained by Crum and Forster to assist counsel to defend against a mold related claim against their insured relating to negligence and performance of work not in conformance with good engineering practice.
Dr. Lifrieri was retained by a prominent New Jersey Law Firm on behalf of the County Government to evaluate the costs associated with a portion of the 2011 - 2012 development of an urban park called the Riverfront Park site in Essex County, New Jersey. The County requested that Dr. Lifrieri perform an independent cost breakdown of the actual expenditures the County had made to complete the environmental investigation and remediation of the Rubin Site. The County provided the actual construction costs to construct the cap and Dr. Lifrieri utilized these costs in conjunction with the Environmental Consultant’s costs to establish the total costs expended on this effort. In addition Dr. Lifrieri was asked to evaluate the cost to close the site had the site been used to store tractor trailers and storage containers only.
Dr. Lifrieri was retained by AJS Acquisition to document the losses sustained by its subsidiary before, during, and after Super Storm Sandy in October 2012 in accordance with the provisions noted in their business interruption insurance policy and to prepare a business interruption claim report. Dr. Lifrieri reviewed financial data prepared by AJS Acquisitions and developed a forensic financial approach geared towards quantifying AJS’ loss.
Experience speaks for itself.