As a professor at two of New Jersey's prestigious engineering colleges, Dr. Lifrieri teaches geotechnical classes at the graduate level. Additionally, he develops continuing education exams and reviews for online instruction and gives Project Management Professional (PMP) exam bootcamps.

For over 35 years Dr. Lifrieri has grown the geotechnical and environmental engineering body of knowledge by publishing and editing submissions for leading industry journals and magazines. He is available to develop further classes and assist in publications.

Get in touch to identify how Dr. Lifrieri's expertise can benefit you.

teaching positions

  • Adjunct Professor at the Rutgers University School of Engineering and New Jersey Institute of Technology. Graduate courses in Groundwater Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering and Soil Mechanics.
  • Online Instructor for Continuing Education Hours.  Author and instructor of various geotechnical and geological courses for professional continuing education courses.


  1. Joseph J. Lifrieri, Ph.D., P.E., C.P.G. and Anthony Slimowicz, Esq. “Preventing the Spread of Pollution to Residential Properties in Urban Areas,” Litigation Management Magazine, CLM. Spring 2013.
  2. Dorairaja Raghu, PhD. P.E., and Joseph J. Lifrieri, Ph. D., P.E., C.P.G. “Determination of Landfill Settlement of a Municipal Solid Waste of Known Composition Based on (C+H)/L Values,” 25th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management. Philadelphia, PA, March, 2010.
  3. Joseph J. Lifrieri, P.E., C.P.G., and Dorairaja Raghu, PhD. P.E. “A Simple Method to Estimate Volume of Gas Produced and Biodegradation Settlement as a Function of Time,” 24th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management. Philadelphia, PA, March, 2009.
  4. Joseph J. Lifrieri, P.E., C.P.G., and Dorairaja Raghu, PhD. P.E. “A Review of the Biochemical and Mechanical Processes Involved in Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Settlement,” 23rd International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management. Philadelphia, PA, March, 2008.
  5. Mayur Desai, P.E., Joseph J. Lifrieri, P.E., P.P., C.P.G., Walter W. Burke, P.E., Rambod Hadidi, P.E. “Observational Approach Used For Slope Stability during Surcharging of Municipal Solid Waste and Soft Soils,” 7th International Symposium on Field Measurements in Geomechanics. Boston, MA, September 2007.
  6. Joseph J. Lifrieri, P.E., P.P., C.P.G., Mayur Desai, P.E., Walter W. Burke, P.E., Rambod Hadidi, P.E. “Ground Improvement Techniques for the Support of Shallow Foundation Development over Mature Landfills and Soft Natural Deposits,” Brownfields 2006, National Brownfields Association Conference Boston Ma. November 2006.
  7. Joseph J. Lifrieri, P.E., P.P., C.P.G., Mayur Desai, P.E., Walter W. Burke, P.E., Rambod Hadidi, P.E. “Ground Improvement to Support Shallow Foundation Development over Landfills on Soft Natural Deposits,” 22nd Central Pennsylvania Geotechnical Conference. Hershey, Pennsylvania, November 2006.
  8. Joseph J. Lifrieri, P.E., P.P., C.P.G., Mayur Desai, P.E., Walter W. Burke, P.E., Rambod Hadidi, P.E. “Compression Characteristics of Solid Waste after Dynamic Compaction,” 21st International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management. Philadelphia, PA, March 2006.
  9. Joseph J. Lifrieri, David R. Antes, and Dorairaja Raghu. “Use of Percussion Probes to Determine Rock Mass Quality of Cavernous Carbonate Formations before and after Grouting,” Karst Hydrogeology: Engineering and Environmental Applications, A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam. Boston 1987.
  10. Joseph J. Lifrieri, Dorairaja Raghu, F.C. Rhyner. “Use of Percussion for Probes for the Design and Construction of Foundations In and On Carbonate Formations.”  Sinkholes: Their Geology, Engineering and Environmental Impact. Barry F. Beck, editor, Florida Sinkhole Research Institute, University of Central Florida, Orlando. A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam. Boston, October 1984.
  11. Joseph J. Lifrieri and D. Raghu. “Development of a Foundation Quality Index for Foundations in Solution-Prone Carbonate Regions,” Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists, 1982.


“Development over Mature Landfills and Soft Natural Deposits,“ Ground Improvement Techniques for the Support of Shallow Foundation, November 2006.